7821 West 38th Ave
Wheat Ridge, CO 80033
Tel : (303) 422-2343
Fax: (303) 422-0550
Mammography Services
We have a new process to streamline breast cancer screening for our patients.
We are now collaborating with Touchstone Medical Imaging and the Breast Care Center at Lutheran in an agreement known as a “care compact.”
The idea is simple:
we’ve identified Touchstone and Lutheran as nearby providers of sophisticated, high-quality breast imaging capabilities;
in return for designation as our preferred partners for these specialized services, they have agreed to work closely with us;
the common goal is to offer the most efficient, appropriate, and convenient, expert care to you - our mutual patients - by:
facilitating referrals and scheduling;
coordinating pre-procedure or aftercare needs;
tracking necessary follow-up;
communicating directly at all levels (with you and with us).
In plain English, this is a joint effort to deliver the right care, to the right patients, at the right time, in the right place.
Our patients should be aware of a few key points regarding this process:
Annual screening mammograms - for patients without physical exam abnormalities, breast symptoms, or history of breast disease will be referred to Touchstone Medical Imaging on 38th and Wadsworth in Wheat Ridge.
Specialized diagnostic imaging – for patients with either (i) physical exam abnormalities, breast symptoms, or history of breast disease; or (ii) complex technical imaging needs, will be referred to the Breast Care Center at Lutheran.
Once your WRIM provider has selected the appropriate study for your particular situation, the referral will be forwarded to our imaging colleagues and either Touchstone or Lutheran will call our patients directly to schedule the test.
Therefore, calls to our patients from either Touchstone or Lutheran regarding breast imaging is a legitimate inquiry triggered/endorsed by WRIM, and may come from an unfamiliar, unidentified, or blocked phone number. Patients with any doubts or concerns about such contacts they may receive should feel free to call us for verification.
We have no financial interest in where patients ultimately have their breast imaging performed. A patient’s choice to receive these evaluations at locations other than Touchstone or Lutheran, will not otherwise impact their care at WRIM. The important thing is that our patients receive the appropriate screening somewhere.
We hope our patients find this new system beneficial. We welcome feedback, and are happy to discuss any questions that may arise.