7821 West 38th Ave
Wheat Ridge, CO 80033
Tel : (303) 422-2343
Fax: (303) 422-0550
Our Regular Hours
8:00am – 5:00pm
8:00am – 5:00pm
8:00am – 5:00pm
8:00am – 5:00pm
8:00am – 5:00pm
8:00am – 2:00pm
Holiday Hours 2024
5/26/2025 - Closed
7/4/2025 - Closed
9/1/2025 - Closed
11/27/2025 - Closed
11/28/2025 - 8am - Noon
Urgent Care Only
12/24/2025 - 8am - Noon
Urgent Care Only
12/25/2025 - Closed
12/31/20/2025 - 8am - Noon
Urgent Care Only
01/01/2026 - Closed
New Patient?
Please take a moment to download and complete WRIM's new patient forms prior to your appointment
Or utilize online fillable form and then print and bring to appointment

Do you have feedback for us?
We would love to hear from you!
If you would like for us to follow up with you, leave your name and / or email.
Otherwise, you may leave your feedback anonymously.
(updated May 12th, 2023)
On May 11th, 2023 the Federal Government terminated the presidential declaration of national emergency and the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) public health emergency attributable to the COVID-19 pandemic.
As the response to the Corona virus evolves, WRIM is here to safely serve you and your family.
We are currently offering three different types of patient appointments to meet your particular needs, as described below. If you are unsure of what type of appointment is most appropriate for you, please discuss this with our staff when you call to schedule. If there is any uncertainty about what type of appointment is best given your individual circumstances, your provider may make the final decision.
* IN PERSON VISITS - we are currently scheduling patients in two different areas of the building:
UPSTAIRS - in our main treatment area, we will see both established and new patients who are not acutely ill or symptomatic, for routine care and regular follow-up visits for chronic conditions. This part of the building has a common waiting area, and masks are not required to enter. However, we continue to encourage patients with compromised immune systems - or anyone who would simply feel more comfortable doing so - to wear a mask for their own protection.
DOWNSTAIRS - in our newly reconfigured special treatment area, affectionately referred to as our M*A*S*H* unit, we will see any patient with a new or acute problem, specifically including - but not limited to - any complaint or symptom of a respiratory (or otherwise potentially infectious) nature. This setup allows us to continue to see sicker patients on our premises while avoiding their direct interaction with the well patients in our main area. This new space has a separate entrance on the West side of the building, a dedicated waiting area, and masks are required at all times.
* VIRTUAL VISITS - we continue to offer "tele-health" services for added safety, efficiency, and
convenience. Such "remote" care may not be appropriate for all patients or all conditions. Any
patient may request such accommodation, but the final decision as to whether it is a good "fit" for a
given case rests with the provider.
Regardless of the type of appointment made, it is important that we continue to evaluate your chronic medical conditions on a regular basis. Please continue to schedule your maintenance visits according to the standard intervals previously discussed with your provider.
(updated May 12th, 2023)
We are no longer limiting or restricting visitors, or companions who may accompany patients to appointments, in the main treatment area in the upstairs section of the building.
Patients being seen in the more acute treatment area downstairs are still discouraged from bringing visitors, family members, or companions with them to their appointments unless the presence of those individuals is "medically necessary" - to provide or receive clinical information, to assure the safety of patients with cognitive impairment, or to assist with the mobility of patients with physical challenges or limitations.
We also continue to recommend that anyone accompanying a patient to an appointment in the downstairs treatment area should themselves have been previously been vaccinated against COVID-19.
If you have questions about this guidance, please speak with our office staff prior to you arrival.
(updated May 12th, 2023)
Both the Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) emergency use authorizations for COVID-19 vaccines and to the Center for Disease Control's (CDC) Advisory Committee on Immunization Practice's (ACIP) clinical guidelines have recently been updated, such that:
monovalent (original) mRNA COVID-19 vaccines are no longer recommended for use in the United States
an additional updated (bivalent) vaccine dose will currently be allowed for:
adults ages 65 years and older
people who are immunocompromised
an updated (bivalent) mRNA COVID-19 vaccine is recommended for everyone ages 6 years and older, regardless of whether they previously completed their (monovalent) primary series.
individuals ages 6 years and older who have already received an updated mRNA vaccine do not need to take any action unless they are 65 years or older or immunocompromised
for young children, multiple doses continue to be recommended and will vary by age, vaccine, and which vaccines were previously received.
Alternatives to mRNA COVID-19 vaccines remain available for people who cannot or will not receive an mRNA vaccine. CDC’s recommendations for use of (monovalent) Novavax or Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen COVID-19 vaccines were not affected by the recent changes
CDC and ACIP will continue to monitor COVID-19 disease levels and vaccine effectiveness in the months ahead and look forward to additional discussion around potential updates this fall.
The most reliable, up-to-date sources of information on Colorado's response to COVID-19 and vaccination programs include the online resources of the Department of Public Health and Environment:
Vaccine for Coloradans | Colorado COVID-19 Updates
COVID-19 vaccine | Colorado COVID-19 Updates
Find out if you need a COVID-19 vaccine booster | Colorado COVID-19 Updates
Colorado has also established a hotline to provide updated vaccination information by telephone:
1-877-CO VAX CO (1-877-268-2926)
Available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week
Answers available in multiple languages.
(updated May 12th, 2023)
* We will continue to post verified new information here as best we are able.
* Safe and effective vaccines are now widely available, but compliance with recommendations and adherence to guidelines has been variable and incomplete.
* The virus continues to circulate locally, nationally, and in foreign countries - where it is often poorly controlled. Wherever it is found, it continues to this day still to cause acute illness, long term disability, and death.
* By their nature, viruses mutate as they spread - and as they mutate, new variants will emerge.
* It remains important that you continue to protect yourself and others as best you can: keep your vaccine status up to date, do not take unnecessary risks, wash your hands frequently, wear a mask if your immune system is compromised, and follow public health directives to the best of your ability.
* Stay safe, stay informed, stay vigilant.